Essay Example: The Cause of Heart Disease in Women Aged 45-60

Published: 2023-10-09
Essay Example: The Cause of Heart Disease in Women Aged 45-60
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Disorder Community health
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 549 words
5 min read

Many circumstances have led to the rise of heart disease deaths among women. Annually, more and more women die from cardiovascular diseases. Regardless, heart disease and risk factors are continuously missed among the female gender. Most of women are always taking care of their families, and everyone else; thus, their well-being and health often come last. However, women's health acts as a barometer for a nation. When women are unhealthy, their productivity is limited, which reduces the security of their families and children. Therefore, there is a rising need to identify the risk factors related to heart disease among women.

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First, women lack the financial capabilities to prevent themselves from getting cardiovascular diseases. While one cannot change some of the risk factors resulting in heart disease like family history, gender, and age, it is possible to undertake a healthy lifestyle to limit contracting the disease. Socioeconomic factors play a huge role in cardiovascular disparities among people. Most families have modeled themselves to invest less in their girls in terms of nutrition, health care, and education. These disadvantages in the early stage of most girls may have long-term consequences for females' health and well-being. In a world where women continue to be discriminated against regarding educational attainment, jobs, and salaries, they will have less in their pockets. It becomes difficult to prioritize between a healthy lifestyle and putting food on the table. Additionally, pregnancies and childbirths have taken a toll on women's health, mostly in the developing world. Diabetes and high blood pressure may increase the long-term risk of the same. These conditions make women more prone to heart disease later.

Secondly, unhealthy lifestyle practices are significant risk factors for cardiovascular diseases among women. These lifestyle behaviors include poor nutritional habits, physical inactivity, increased alcohol consumption, and smoking habits. The less active and fit a person is, the more they are likely to get heart disease. Daily physical activity could lower the risk of heart disease. It helps maintain body weight and reduces the chances of developing other conditions that may stain one's heart, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Furthermore, healthy dietary habits help significantly to improve a person's health. However, previous research has identified women as less active than men and that there higher prevalence of unhealthy lifestyle behaviors among women. For instance, most adult women are vulnerable to being obese irrespective of their backgrounds and earnings due to limited access to physical activity, food choices, work demands, and family commitments.

Today, however, there is great news since women have undertaken social, economic, and leadership places in society, which may help fight the risk of heart diseases among women. Trends of girls staying in school have increased while WHO has undertaken significant measures to ensure the stability of healthy practices among women. Nevertheless, much more needs to be done. Countries need to prioritize women's health in their national policy. They need to evaluate their states and make environmental, social, and economic policies that favor cardiovascular health. Women should come out and speak about their health issues and needs so that policymakers may learn and take notes. They should also realize that health should come first regardless of if one has money or not. Quality and affordable health should be part of the solution to combat heart diseases.

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Essay Example: The Cause of Heart Disease in Women Aged 45-60. (2023, Oct 09). Retrieved from

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