Project Management Essay Example: The Move Plan and the Needs Analysis

Published: 2019-05-21
Project Management Essay Example: The Move Plan and the Needs Analysis
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Project management
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1765 words
15 min read

The first step in carrying out the project is to create the move plan and the needs analysis. The needs analysis has already been presented by the MD whereby the sole purpose for the movement is to reduce operating costs. The business income will grow up to 10% annually despite the relocation due to the proper management and efficient coordination of the management and the employees (Richman, 2002). Reducing the physical costs associated with accommodation will enhance profitability partially for the remaining amount will be used to purchase any important resource needed in the production process. Since all the employees will be retained despite the relocation, no effect will be experienced in the production process and hence enabling the retaining of the business earning capacity. Relocation will improve the quality of support that the office provides to the consultants and clients as departments will be located closely to each other ensuring an efficient communication system whenever a problem arises. The closeness will ensure that the IT systems for the business are improved.

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The projects that will be needed to carry successfully out the relocation include selecting the time the relocation project will commence and end. Planning for time will ensure that time is well managed and that the business operations resume as soon as possible (Knutson, 2004). The next step is selecting a move management team that may include selecting employees who are hard working, possess excellent communication skills, good decision makers, competent and organized or selecting managers from each department to corporate in the relocation. After choosing a team, the next project is to choose a moving company, and this may be done using real estate brokers, personal referrals through inquiry and also obtaining information using the yellow pages. Factors to consider in selecting a moving company includes; the companys liability in terms of property protection, the price to avoid being conned, evaluating the services provided, and the companys trade membership in terms of code of ethics and registration. After approving the company, the next step is coordinating with the mover in terms of having written agreements, the insurance needed in the relocation in terms of liability, having a committee meeting for members coordinating the relocation, the furniture plans and color codes, arrangements on how to access the new building, the delivery of equipments, seminars for employee packing, scheduled for tentative movement and issues of the primary movements. Other Important factors to consider in the relocation include: taking furniture surveys, the communications plan and evaluating the project once it is done (Richman, 2002).

The relocating project work plan

- Duration: 1 month

- Estimated cost: $100000

- TASK Pre-move plan Project planning

- Carrying out a needs analysis

- Move plan Designing the move plan

- Selecting and supervising the relocation management team

- Carrying out a furniture survey

- Vendor selection Selecting a moving company

- Selecting office furniture and supplies

- Communication plan Employee communication

- Data storage and IT analysis

- The relocation Supervising the on-site relocation

- Moving furniture and other office supplies

- Installing electronic devices

- Decorating the office interior

- Post- relocation Evaluation

- Project closure

The suitable method of carrying out this project is using managers from each department as members of the move management team. This will make it easier to share ideas and contributions on the perfect strategies to undertake to ensure that the relocating project is successful and in line with the organization's objectives (Collins, Miller & Ciesielski, 2012). The relocation affects all departments and therefore using the managers will also ensure that communication between the management and the other employees is well coordinated.

Feasibility of the relocating project

This is determined on the basis of business alignment, economic viability, system and technology assessments, operational considerations, legal ramifications, schedule and resource concerns and market dynamics. In business alignment, the relocating project should be in line with the enterprise objectives such that it does not affect the operations of the company negatively (Knutson, 2004). Every decision made should be based on the objectives: decisions on time, resources, and the personnel involved. The relocation project should be of benefit to every department in the company

In economic viability, it is important to take into considerations the impact of the relocation project in an economic perspective. This is done by estimating total costs to be incurred in the implementation process, its returns when the relocation is through and the miscellaneous expenses to be incurred. Carrying out a SWOT analysis would be beneficial as it provides an efficient assessment of the costs to be made.

In system and technology assessments, appropriate technology input should be done to ensure that the IT systems are efficient. This can be done by hiring professional technical consultants to assist in equipping the new area with the appropriate technology.

In operational considerations, it is important to analyze whether the relocating is beneficial to the whole company or not. Analyzing the decision will ensure that the outcome is what everyone expects and that no changes have to be made such laying-off workers or to limit the use of some resources.

It is also important to consider the legal issues pertaining the relocation, especially under the companies act. Knowing the legal issues will prevent any form of disturbances on its implementation.

Also, noting down the estimate on the schedule and resources to be used in the relocation is very vital for referencing purposes. This will enable the team to assess the impact of the project on other departments and also assess the needed resources for the relocation project.

Structure for the management and administration of the project

The relocation management team will work together from the beginning of the project to its conclusion. Every member will be in charge of every activity to ensure that any arising problem is easily monitored and handled, and coordination will be done by each manager and their department to ensure that the relocation is a success (Knutson, 2004). The MD will receive information from any manager in the relocation management team.

Duties of the project managers include: involvement in providing information and recommendations in the planning of the project and suggesting the necessary actions to be made in the whole project, monitoring the progress of the relocation project and evaluating measures which can be made in order to prevent any further relocation project, coordinating with the employees in their department in what is expected from them throughout the project and also frequently updating the other members of staff on the projects progress. Also, the managers should establish a good interpersonal relationship with the employees in their department.

Project Plan

Task no Task Implementation amount

1. Key Dates Terminating the date of the existing premises

- Officiating the date required to be in the offices

- Target date for identifying the new office

- The starting and the finishing dates of equipping the new territory 2. Office move strategy Selecting the relocating management team

- Communicating the relocating plan to employees $1000

3. Develop moving office brief Identifying the preferred location of the new company

- Establishing the appropriate size of the new office

- Establishing the appearance of the location

- Establishing a relocating budget $5000

4. Selection of new premises Consulting a real estate agent

- Reviewing the prices of desired property

- Establishing whether the target market is available $1000

5. Legal considerations Consulting a property solicitor $1000

6. Office design and fit out details Agreeing with the management team on the appropriate office designs

- Establishing an efficient network system in terms of IT and telecommunications $10000

7. Physical move Identifying an appropriate moving company

- Organizing the storage of equipment

- Clearing out of unwanted items


8. Corporate considerations Updating all marketing collaterals

- Renewing licenses, insurance, service agreement and equipment

- Reviewing the project $20000

An alternative project team plan is using employees who are hard working, can easily adapt to the new responsibilities, are organized, competent and possess excellent communication skills. Also, picking them from each department will ensure that every issue arising from any department relating to the relocating project is well addressed.

Processes for quality management of the project include; an efficient communication system, appropriate technology, adequate resources and openness between the management and the staff. The project change proposals will be managed by ensuring that every manager end employee has a copy of the proposal and also filing the original document to ensure clarity and openness of the project (Knutson, 2004).

Factors that can affect the progress of a project include: inadequate resources which may occur because of estimating wrongly the resources requires, poor organization and coordination especially when the system communication is poor, lack of teamwork and also unspecified objectives which may result in an unexpected outcome. Issues and risks that can be encountered in the final stage of the project include: insufficient resources, interference by the government if some legal procedures were not done and also conflicts between the employees and the management in terms of the expected outcome.

Systems used to monitor and appraise the status of a project include: having well stated objectives which are measurable in order to clearly define the project indicators, efficient arrangement of project indicators in terms of output, an efficient system for collecting and analyzing data to allow quantification of resources and costs incurred, methods used to gather, analyze and present report in every activity in the project and an efficient decision-making system.

Systems that are used in detecting and managing issues arising in the course of the project are the monitoring and evaluation systems. These systems ensure that the project undergoes regular supervision; analysis is done at the end of every activity; rapid feedback in every stage and constant review of the project to ensure that every activity is done according to plan. These systems, therefore, enable the project to achieve its expected goals.

Assessment in the final stages of a project involves carrying out a review of the whole project by the project managers to record the places where the project had problems and where it was successful. Doing this ensures that in case of a similar project in future, the successes are accomplished, and the problems are avoided. Also, the final evaluation ensures that no stage was skipped.


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Roberts, P. (2011). Effective project management. London, UK: Kogan Page.

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Project Management Essay Example: The Move Plan and the Needs Analysis. (2019, May 21). Retrieved from

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