Essay Example on Imprisoned Elderly Males

Published: 2018-01-20
Essay Example on Imprisoned Elderly Males
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Discrimination Penal system Punishment Society
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 334 words
3 min read

There are many theories surrounding the social issues in the number of elderly males as inmates in prison. One of the arguments is that the law applies to all people therefore despite the age-group; they should face the consequences for their actions (Fattah & Sacco, 2012). It is relevant and applicable in the case that they break the law in their old age as they understand the implications that come with such actions. In defense, the criminology may argue that they did so out of ignorance and the assumption that the law would give them lenient terms based on their age. It gives them some form of power and poor reasoning to do wrong acts.

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On the other hand there is a different category of people who grow old while in the prison which brings a deeper argument on the sentencing factor. They may have grown old in the prison while serving their terms which may force them to have no option in the way they live. For instance, it is common to find elder males who committed a crime in their young age and therefore got the sentencing to serve a long time. They may have then grown old which may further prompt the court system to consider revoking their terms.

One of the important theories that may solve the question the moral situation is releasing the elderly males once they reach a certain age through the presidential parole. It will give them a chance to live and enjoy the last years in their life (Thompson, 2007). It does not mean that all should get the pardon, only a certain category and it will depend with the crime they committed as well as the number of years they have served in jail.


Fattah, E. A., & Sacco, V. F. (2012). Crime and Victimization of the Elderly. Springer Science & Business Media.

Thompson, E. H. (2007). Older men as invisible men in contemporary society. Understanding inequality: The intersection of race/ethnicity, class, and gender, 289-298.

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