Theoretical Frameworks For Community Change - Free Essay Example

Published: 2023-08-24
Theoretical Frameworks For Community Change - Free Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Social activities Community Social change
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 876 words
8 min read

Homan is trying to utilize the theoretical framework to influence society towards a positive change. From the theories explained, for instance, the system theory is where a system exists as a subsystem of another system. It explains that a group of people in a certain community has the power to drive the community towards negative or positive transformation(Homan, 2015). Hence the responsible individuals ensure the general members of the community are free from risks. This results in a healthy community where the uncultured behavior of some individuals can cause damage to other members leading to a wealthy community. To experience a full society transformation, there is a need for cooperation and for everyone to play his or her role effectively.

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The good social relationship and community structure impact the member's growth. There is a clear image of interdependence between the member and the community at large. The system theory and constructive model of the system present a principle of unifying and integration, resulting in a peaceful co-existence. There are different changes within the environment. Hence there is a need for a call for adaptability to the dynamics. The organization needs to adapt to the changes and every sub-section of society. This enables easy to adapt relative to the requirements and needs of a given environment.

A system is composed of a subsystem (Homan,2015). Every entity with society is interrelated, and it has interdependent subgroups. Due to the interrelation part, we find the uniqueness of every person within a given environment. To cope with each other, bearing in mind that the hornbill accomplishes impacts torelance and respect towards one another. In order to achieve clean development, peaceful co-existence has to be highly valued. Despite the internal issues, there is a tendency to where the external disruptions are experienced. In order to maintain a trend of growth, it's crucial to be steadfast with the key vital characteristic. Again this can be achieved through a well-integrated and resilient group. In motivation development as a core concept, emphasizes and brings to attention to the existence of several needs and motivation. There is a need for arousal, security, and autonomy. The overall process brings into understanding the influence of each other within a whole (Homan, 2015). In relation to the system thinking, we find that various elements of plants, water, air movement, and animals they do co-exits to perish or to survive.

Effective community workers and change agents need to assimilate a variety of theories. This is due to the useful and practical impact that can result in utilizing them. The model strands examined have several evaluations that relate to the effort of the revitalization of the various concepts, has benefits to community base endeavors to bring positive transformations. Hence the strategies and the different approaches lead to long term desired outcomes. As noted in chapter two, there is a great focus on neighborhood safety and social capital. We find that there is a wealth of information on various ways to promote and produce social capital development. In chapter two, Homan observes that the environment and field consist of sufficient resources, which can be invested. This leads to positive transformed social services, and it's reformations with this in mind, it makes it easy to empirically classify the critical activities and determine the vital events which lead to great success.

Synthesizing lessons as per the theories and utilizing the stated concept, leads to better evidence and practice on the endeavors to induce community change. Hence the strands give guidance, especially to the community worker, on how to improve conditions in areas of low income. (Homan 2015). It offers motivation and inspiration to the association community-based organization and the community worker with a deep interest in boosting the society welfare. We find that the research, evaluation, and practitioners continually develop and test theories on change processes. This impacted a piece of in-depth practical information and knowledge to the relevant interested parties by utilizing the wealth of resources available to result in efficient and competent agents of change. In relation to the theories of the neighborhood, there are identified processes that alter the urban neighborhood's status quo. Utilizing the information on social, physical, and institutional factors leads to more stable and reduce the decline of the neighborhoods. ( Homan, 2015)

In conclusion, it's evidenced that the variety of theories, models, and concepts equips the social worker with the required training and skills. Instilled competence results in great performance and success. The set targets on community transformation are easily achieved and met. Hence credit is given to the change agent to assimilate and fully utilize the available framework and academic resources. A growing body of researcher is documenting various useful lessons on factors which lead to a positive transformed community. The whole integration of resources fosters also promotes society's resilience. A well-structured framework where various models, concepts, and theories are incorporated indirectly or directly impacts the trend in society growth. In an environment where community activists utilize differently, relevant knowledge packs result in positive growth. The assimilation of a community-based concept ensures the ideological transformation of community workers. Through enlightened, transformed, and practical practices give rise to a positively transformed community.


Homan, M. S. (2015). Promoting community change: Making it happen in the real world (6th ed.). Nelson Education.

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