Topic Introduction: US - Iran Relations

Published: 2022-07-19
Topic Introduction: US - Iran Relations
Type of paper:  Annotated bibliography
Categories:  United States International relations
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1113 words
10 min read

The signing of the 2015 nuclear accord involved the United States, Europe and other's to control Iran's nuclear missiles which lifted the economic sanctions that were imposed on Iran. The new administrator of the US imposed the sanctions again recently for president Trump saying Iran was behaving in a threatening and destabilizing manner due to the continuation of the nuclear program and weaponry. Trump decided to pull out of the 2015 agreement that was signed and this decision to pull out by the administration has put pressure on Iran to force them to abide by the US demands. These sanctions that were imposed on Iran by the United States are targeting its economy and it is inhabiting the relations between the two countries. Consequently, the trade with other countries is affected leading to monetary loss among many industries in Iran which of the trade program which significantly served the economy of the country.

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This topic needs more concern and attention as the relationship between Iran and the US hangs in the balance and the sanctions placed will have negative impacts on Iran's growing economy. The recent developments that have arisen have made many to wonder and analyze the situation to see where this will end and what will be the outcome. The recent event does not only pose a threat to the economy of Iran but also to the relations between the countries involved in signing the 2015 agreement. The issue of the Iran/US arose because one aspect that IR does not cover in detail; it is the need to dominate and control others to make their own countries fiercer. The US has been trying to control Iran to control the development of their weaponry. The US has ever been trying to be independent and powerful based on their relationship with Iran. However, recent steps are being accomplished by the US to ensure that they pull out the agreement leading to sanctions for the IR. The question that arises is; What does the United States hope to gain from pulling out of the deal and how will imposing sanctions on Iran help them in achieving their objective?

Annotation 1 - School of thought: neo-orientalism

Altwaiji, Mubarak. "Neo-Orientalism And The Neo-Imperialism Thesis: Post-9/11 US And Arab World Relationship." Arab Studies Quarterly 36.4 (2014): 313-323. Web.

In this piece by a Research Scholar in the department of English, Goa University-India, Altwaiji, Mubarak, the argument is that pulling out from the sanctions signed against Iran will give the US the opportunity to learn some of the cultural aspects implemented by Iran in weaponry which might emerge importantly. Altwaiji (320) argued that stopping the punishment that the US directs to Iran set them free to interact and learn from them. The author considers the extent to which the Arab countries like Iran are doing well in weaponry, which always the desire of the US. He also notes the current relations between Iran and the US is worse due to the view of other countries like Saudi Arabia, which feels that America is just after dominance over the world. The author learns that ending the neo-orientalism in the US against Iran will be important in their weaponry matters.

Annotation 2 - School of thought: liberalism and realism

Fathollah-Nejad, Ali. "Why Sanctions Against Iran Are Counterproductive: Conflict Resolution And State-Society Relations." International Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis 69.1 (2014): 48-65. Web.

In this piece by an independent scholar and an associate professor at the Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center Iran, Ali Fathollah-Nejad, the argument is advanced to provide that the sanctions signed against Iran have significant negative effects to both oppressors and the target country that is Iran. Fathollah-Nejad (50) argued that withdrawing from the sanction agreements can promote a considerable democratic relationship between the two countries which is important for their economic stability. The author considers the sanctions as a potential way through which the US is trying to stop the source of funds to the Iran nuclear projects. The author refers to the current situation of the America which always wants to remain the most superior country in the world. He also refers to the role that the members of the European Union like Russia have played in promoting the sanctions on Iran by the USA. The author learns pulling out of the agreement will allow the US to establish and maintain an important social relationship with Iran which is a necessary aspect of the international relationships between various countries.

Annotation 3 - School of thought: Marxism

Pieper, Moritz. "Between The Democratisation Of International Relations And Status Quo Politics: Russia'S Foreign Policy Towards The Iranian Nuclear Programme." International Politics 52.5 (2015): 567-588. Web.

This piece by a lecturer at the University of Salford, UK, Moritz Pieper tends to investigate the impact of the association between Russia and Iran based on the foreign policy. The author refers to the intentions of the Russian projects to learn much about the Iranian nuclear. The author finds that the two have achieved a significant aspect of cultural homogeny which can allow a peaceful existence and borrowing of the weaponry culture. This is applicable to the case of the Iran/US relations since it may prevent the instances of Iran using their nuclear weapons to target such countries operating against them.

Annotation 4 - School of thought: Neo-liberalism

Sherko, Kirmanj, and Sadq Abdulla Kukha. "Iran's Foreign Policy Towards Iraq And Syria: Strategic Significance And Regional Power Balance." The Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies ; Washington 33.1 (2018): 152-172. Print

This piece by a lecturer at the Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kirmanj Sherko tends to determine how a country can use the other to gain dominance, and how the end of the situation may be important. In relation to the case of the Iran/US relations, the author assesses the influence of the use of Iraq and Syria by Iran to be superior. The author finds out that disregarding the unnecessary need to be superiority creates some level of peace within a region. On this note, if America sops their sanctions against Iran, they might be at peace; hence the individual economic grounds would be stable in the end.

Works Cited

Altwaiji, Mubarak. "Neo-Orientalism And The Neo-Imperialism Thesis: Post-9/11 US And Arab World Relationship." Arab Studies Quarterly 36.4 (2014): 313-323. Web.

Fathollah-Nejad, Ali. "Why Sanctions Against Iran Are Counterproductive: Conflict Resolution And State-Society Relations." International Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis 69.1 (2014): 48-65. Web.

Pieper, Moritz. "Between The Democratisation Of International Relations And Status Quo Politics: Russia'S Foreign Policy Towards The Iranian Nuclear Programme." International Politics 52.5 (2015): 567-588. Web.

Sherko, Kirmanj, and Sadq Abdulla Kukha. "Iran's Foreign Policy Towards Iraq And Syria: Strategic Significance And Regional Power Balance." The Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies ; Washington 33.1 (2018): 152-172. Print.

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Topic Introduction: US - Iran Relations. (2022, Jul 19). Retrieved from

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