Trust in Football Coaching

Published: 2022-12-26
Trust in Football Coaching
Type of paper:  Dissertation results
Categories:  Policy Company Management Communication Science
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1804 words
16 min read

The development of trust is a critical factor that ensures successful coaching of football (White & Bennie, 2015). Ideally, the trust establishes mutual respect and understanding between coaches and their athletes. Therefore, it ensures the success of sporting activities through smooth collaboration.

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Brief Explanation

Sporting activities facilitate the development of resilience that helps children achieve and realize success in their endeavors and as well as cope with the challenges that come along in life (White & Bennie, 2015). The results of the study reveal characteristic results, and this confirms some of the points put across the debate about how sports affect discipline among children. In the process, it became clear that the physical environment, trust development as well as barrier and challenges to the learning of gymnastics are significant factors that affect the whole process.

Performance Environment

The environment has a hand in the productivity of any activity undertaken in it (Fletcher & Streeter, 2016). This is because there is a distinction between high and low-performing environment. While the latter facilitates minimal performance, high-performing environments enable optimal performance. In this study, the high-performance environment enabled the efficient learning of gymnastics, by the children. Below is a countdown of how it was achieved.


The environment in which the coaches undertook the training of the children was characterized by regular communication in which loads of information was conveyed (White & Bennie, 2015). This is a typical signal that the environment is high performing, and as such, the coaches can receive feedback from the gymnasts. For instance, when they gymnasts issue comments, the coach can draw examples of what they need to work on, or rather improve to ensure optimal participation by the gymnasts. The significance of this is that working on the recommended areas of sporting activities will engage all gymnasts. This, in turn, will help avoid isolation in which some of the athletes may opt to leave the program (Shepherd, 2015). In conclusion, establishing the culture of smooth and regular communication with athletes is a recipe for effective collaboration. This is because it establishes a rapport between the coaches and the athletes in which the athletes share their experiences as they suggest what should be improved. Likewise, the coaches will deliberate gymnastic parameters that ensure that no gymnast is isolated. This ensures high performance, by both gymnasts and their coaches.

Athlete Involvement

Athletes should be involved in almost every bit of the gymnastics activities. The first strategy, in this part, is to ensure that every athlete is involved in the gymnastics activities regardless of their abilities and disabilities. Still, this is a way of ensuring that there is no isolation of the athletes (Shepherd, 2015). In this dimension, making them part of the plan through extensive training is key in which striving to maintain the athletes even during summer breaks is ideal. In this dimension, the coach can establish the culture of engaging the players in activities such as touch, shooting or ball control, and this can be done while instructing the players on the appropriate diet. This enables every athlete to have substantial input to the team because these activities will eventually enhance their performance. To a larger extent, athlete involvement revolves around keeping them close to the team. For instance, maintaining contact with them is an effective strategy here.


Analyzing the results of the football matches in a competition is fundamental in determining what went a miss. For instance, questioning the grounds under which the team lost to an opponent is a recipe for finding out what should be done to achieve victory in the coming matches (White & Bernie, 2015). While analyzing the mistakes, emphasis should be applied to the individual players to ensure that they do not repeat the very mistakes that earn them losses. On the hand, appreciating the athletes for good performance is essential. in the process, there is much importance in digesting the team's best performance. Lessons from such performance are ideal, and this is because they become the team's strength for winning more games. This is done having analyzed the team's achievements, and should it come to the team's attention that it has achieved less than expected, brainstorming should kick in. The brainstorming should be a way of drawing strategies that will help the team win in the coming season. In this dimension, the team will be learning from its mistakes as it braces itself for a new season in which they will be going a win (Hill & Rothblum, 2016). Therefore, the analysis presents the team's performance, and this is crucial for it to plan for the coming season. Ideally, identifying the team's flaws as well as strengths is essential as these aspects enable the team to prepare effectively for the coming seasons.

Trust Development

The development of trust revolves around developing the confidence among the athletes as they undertake gymnastics (White & Bennie, 2015). The following are some of the ways through which trust developed in gymnastics.


Effective communication between the athletes and the coaches is a trigger to interpersonal relationships at the gym, and this is because there is flawless and free sharing of experiences and data between the coaches and athletes (White & Bennie, 2015). However, communication must be clear and concise, and this is the only way through which parties engaged can successfully share ideas and feelings. For instance, clear communication enables coaches to know what their athletes are up to (Lumsden, Lumsden & Weithoff, 2009). Also, communication develops trust when parties have a one-on-one discussion. In one way, it is a way of getting in touch in which athletes and their coaches share their problems and issues. Again, it enables parents to know the progress of their children, regarding gymnastics, as well as a way of communication the interests of newly-admitted children. Therefore, established and clear athlete-coach communication is a recipe for smooth collaboration, and hence success in gymnastics.


This is the quality that determines whether or not an individual can be engaged in a particular activity. It affects coach-athlete relationships in which if either of them is hostile, the other party cannot engage him or her in gymnastics (Kaufman, Hollands, Steck & Steck, 2014). For instance, approachable coaches are normally happy when their athletes ask them questions, and the reverse of this is true. The results found out that most of the athletes, as well as coaches, were approachable. This is an ideal way through which trust is developed among the athletes and their coaches. For instance, coaches who let their athletes ask them questions, as they deem fit, build confidence in their athletes. Through this, the athletes will develop trust in their coaches, and thus, they will not hesitate from asking questions, seeking clarifications and assistance whenever they need. However, the converse of this means otherwise, and thus, it will undermine the trust between coaches and their athletes. In conclusion, approachability builds the trust between coaches and their athletes as it enables the parties to freely engage one another.

Coach-Athlete Relationships

Coach-athlete relationships, as interpersonal relationship, are the connection between coaches and their athletes (White & Bennie, 2015). To this end, these relationships enhance athlete-coach social interaction as well as mutual respect, and it is through this that the interpersonal trust is achieved (Rotenberg, 2010). The mutual respect and interaction between coaches and their athletes are inevitable when the coaches take a keen interest in their athletes, and after that channeling gymnastic training when they are interested. To this extent, the aspect of identifying the individual capabilities of the different children as well as evidencing the efforts aiming at developing the athletes is key. To this end, the athletes will acknowledge the efforts by coaches, and thus, they will cooperate throughout the gymnastics. Therefore, trust is a recipe for collaboration among children, parents and the coaches in matters of gymnastics. It is a function of concise communication among these parties, approachability as well as athlete-coach relationships (Klein, Richardson, Grayson, Fox, Kramarae, Pollard, & Dwyer, (2014). These qualities ensure that the coaches facilitate adequate and smooth training, and thus, the athletes have smooth training because of an ironed working relationship. Therefore, it drives successful gymnastic activities.

Barriers and Challenges

The barriers and challenges of the study revolve around factors hampering the collaboration of athletes and their coaches in gymnastics (White & Bennie, 2015). It was found out that the behaviors of the coaches and the children are the potential causes of the challenges to smooth collaboration.

Coach Behavior

Coach behavior is the approach given to the athletes by the coach, or rather, how the coach relates with the athletes. The aspect of the athlete-coach relationship is ideal for successful and smooth collaboration. This implies that the converse is a threat. Athletes attest that over critical coaches are a challenge to them and a barrier to sporting. For instance, when the coaches are too inclined to find their faults, they tend to get discourages from activity participating (Patel & Amin, 2014). Instead, the coach should focus on helping the athletes to enhance their performance so that they can undertake flawless gymnastic activities.

Also, the tendency of using hardcore terms towards athletes is discouraging, and this is because it does not confer positive energy to athletes (Patel & Amin, 2014). For instance, if the coach is too hard on a particular individual, it does not only affect the targeted athlete but also threatens the rest of the group. The net effect of this is that is athletes are threatened and they confidence and trust in the coach fade. In conclusion, the group studied had a challenge of dealing with a manager who took a distance from them and was also too brief to make sense of what the group was all about.

Child Behavior

Child behavior, likewise, is the qualities displayed by children at the gymnastics arena. These qualities also affected gymnastic activities. A typical example of this is the disruptive child. Naturally, a disruptive individual will cause confusion and disorder in the organization. In this part, the disruptive child will disorganize the training sessions by causing drama (White & Bennie, 2015). Another significant challenge is low self-esteem and confidence among the children. Typically, low levels of self-esteem and confidence will be a barrier to optimal performance, and this is because it makes the children feel inferior and unworthy (Klein et al., 2014). Whenever they feel unworthy and inferior, their participation and subsequently performance will decrease. Thus, the engagement of such children in sporting activities will be negatively affected. This point has a link to children's attitude, and in this dimension, children who tend to keep to themselves will ensure that they maintain minimal contact with their colleagues and the coach. Therefore, they will not talk much about the fear of getting embarrassed. The net effect of this is that no one will know their position regarding sporting activities. Again, one would not know whether or not they are enjoying these activities. Lastly, there are also children who would never...

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Trust in Football Coaching. (2022, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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