Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect: Differentiation and Prevention Strategies - Report Sample

Published: 2024-01-08
Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect: Differentiation and Prevention Strategies - Report Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Justice Child abuse
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 659 words
6 min read


It is critical to comprehensively understand the distinction between child abuse and child neglect to facilitate proper legal action in the event that a child experiences either of the cases. Ideally, child neglect is defined as the failure to meet the basic needs of a child by those bound by the law to do so. In contrast, child abuse comprises every form of exploitation, neglect, sexual abuse, and emotional and ill-treatment that poses a severe threat to the child’s existence, health, and dignity (Rogers et al., 101). However, specific methods can be used to differentiate between the two cases. For instance, in a child neglect case, only the individual responsible for providing a child's needs can be neglectful. Contrastingly, a child can be abused by anybody.

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Also, in a child neglect case, complete failure of those required by the law to supply the child's needs does not necessarily lead to neglect as anyone can supply the child's needs. On the other hand, nobody can avert any form of abuse done to a child, but only ameliorate its consequences (Rogers et al., 98). It is equally vital to comprehend that neglect is dictated by the degree of dependency on the people tasked to supply a child's needs. It is impossible to neglect an independent individual. However, child abuse is not anchored on the level of dependency but on the level of harm posed to the child.

Ways to Address and Prevent Sexual Assault Against Children

Undoubtedly, sexual assault against children immensely exploits and degrades their dignity, severely damaging the emotional, social, and cognitive development of a child. As a result, society has a noble task of addressing and preventing sexual assault on children; this can be realized through various means like empowering the public through education, especially those who make the policies regarding the real nature of sexual assault on children (Dworkin et al., 78). Also, there should be aggressive evaluation and strict implementation of the already existing programs that champion child sexual assault prevention. Nonetheless, stressing the prevention of child sexual assault on adults more than on children will create an ample platform for the children to talk and prevent any form of sexual assault openly.

Issues on:

A Male Victim of Sexual

Although male victims of sexual assault often experience the same consequences of sexual abuse as other survivors, they have unique issues to their experiences alone. For instance, due to society's view on masculinity, male victims always feel shame since they believe that they should have taken control of the situation and prevented it from happening. It is also very difficult to conclude that the male victim did not invite the act due to involuntary responses like an erection.

Juvenile Victims of Sexual Assault

For ages, the public and law enforcers have consistently perceived juvenile sexual assault as an issue of great concern, especially due to the sensitive nature of the issues associated with this kind of sexual assault. In most cases, the juvenile who experiences sexual assault cannot boldly stand for their rights as they often feel threatened and ashamed to talk about their experiences (Dworkin et al., 120). Nonetheless, the adults who commit sexual assaults against the juvenile can conspire to deny the juvenile victim legal justice.

Older Victims of Sexual Assault

With the number of older women and men population in developed countries rapidly increasing. They have inevitably become the new target for sexual assault. The complication involved in interpreting arguments and evidence concerning sexual assault against older individuals is a significant issue while seeking justice for the older victims of sexual assault.

Works Cited

Dworkin, Emily R., et al. "Sexual assault victimization and psychopathology: A review and meta-analysis." Clinical Psychology Review 56 (2017): 65-81. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2017.06.002

Rogers, Nina T., Chris Power, and Snehal M. Pinto Pereira. "Premature mortality in adult survivors of child abuse and neglect: a nationwide birth cohort study." The Lancet 394 (2019): S81. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(19)32878-8

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