Free Essay on Unionized and Union Free Environment for Employer

Published: 2020-04-28
Free Essay on Unionized and Union Free Environment for Employer
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Employment Employment law
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1184 words
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Unions are legally recognized groups that unite workers to attain common goals such as privileges and rights in a workplace. These may comprise fighting for equal promotion or employment opportunities, better wages, and an excellent working environment. After an extensive preview of union free and unionized campaign, I would like to brief the senior management under these two environments.

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Employers have a preference and taste for operating in a union-free environment as oppose to the unionized environment. The reasons for this liking usually relays to the perceived paybacks of union-free environments compared to the shortcomings and cost implications of working in an unionized environment. With respect to this, employers often tend to have a dislike for the involvement of union policies into their operating environments. Employers usually link unionized environments with extra costs. When operating in an unionized environment, employers have to be prepared to cope with demands for increasing the members salaries. The request for bigger wages is among the roles of the unions. This is contrary to the union-free environment, where the employer is very not under any pressure to increase the salary of the workers. In settings where the loud and high voice of collective bargaining is lacking, salary increments are at the choice of the employer (Storey, 2014). This shows how the employer has no pressure to review the salaries of the staffs as opposed to an unionized environment.

Operating under an unionized environment has enormous consequences for employers concerning autonomy and liberty. The company fails the pleasure to hire and fire staffs in an unionized environment as opposed to union-free environments (Sinha, 2014). For instance, in an unionized setting, employers have the partial option in hiring and firing workers compared to union-free environment. In an unionized environment, the unions will have to arbitrate and create the circumstances resulting in the intentional dismissal of an employee. It is until such situations are vindicated and with the grit of the attention of the employee that the manager can continue to perform the discharge plan without attracting industrial action from the staffs from their unions (Cooney, 2013).

Employers have a preference for union-free settings because unlike unionized environments, organizational reformation is simple. For instance, an employer who plans to change the payments structure and classify employees according to competence levels and skills might get it simpler than in unionized setting where those decisions may only be presented and executed with the endorsement of the reps of the workers unions. The employer is, therefore, substantially controlled and accepts some authority and autonomy to the union groups. Therefore, it is usually hard for companies to operate in an unionized setting since they have to be willing to start negotiations with the staff via the collective bargaining using the representation of the leaders of the unions.

What management representatives are permitted to say and do during union campaigns

During the periods of the union campaigns, there are guidelines concerning what the management representatives can say and do. Some behaviors are thus barred, but others are tolerable. For instance, the management is allowed to bring out concerns especially when the union campaigns are alleged to hinder the companys work. An example of this case is when staffs involve in union negotiations in the occurrence of a customer. Also, the management is allowed to talk to the workers and deliberate why it has faith in union campaigns, and involvement may be dangerous to the company or organization (Nimalathasan, 2013). The management representatives also have the right to limit the campaigns of the union that occur on the organizations property. For instance, the administration can totally prohibit or limit distribution and solicitations of campaign resources that occur within the company. Such limits must though be acceptable with conforming business details. Labor Relations Code allows the management to shows its view so long as those opinions are free from things that may unduly hinder with the workers privileged to unionize and organize (Ackers, 2013).

The workers are allowed to put on union buttons while at the job. The organization should not breach Those kinds of access requirements through limitations of any type during the union campaign activities. Additional, any threats as a reduction of salaries or benefits for workers should the union triumphs in elections are illegal. However, the management representatives are permitted to summon all the employees together at the time the regular job hours and generate a speech touching the union campaign activities or unionization struggles (Sinha, 2014). This kind of speech is allowed so long as it does not later become a form of threat to the privileges of the workers.

At the time of campaigns, management representatives are not allowed to coerce workforces, put threats or make promise an unjustified influence. Hence, all kinds of communique from the managing the time of the union campaigns should be within the legislative boundaries. The management representatives or even the management itself are not allowed to put threats like penal measures touching staff engaging in union organizing or campaign activities. Furthermore, at the time of such campaign activities, the management is not permitted to question workers on their position about the union drives (Storey, 2014). As the members of the union organize and take part in their campaign activities, the management representatives are not allowed to watch the staffs. Such acts or any menacing actions like the taking of pictures are regarded to be an ancillary threat to workers and a breach of the privileges of the workers to take part in unionized campaigns. Even listening to employees and trailing their dialogues with the planners of the union is illegal.

In addition to the points mentioned above, the law also outlaws bosses from taking acts such as sacking or demoting workers when such actions are grounded in the labor union campaign activities rather than genuine business deliberations. Nor can a company increase salaries or reimbursements or promote employees at the time of a union organizing campaign activities unless the company or the organization can show that the verdicts involved were reached earlier to the unions organizing campaigns. Unless salary or benefits increments were executed as a portion of a typical, periodic system, an employer or an organization will have a difficult time meeting its burdenC (Gregor, 2014).

The report conclude by saying several businesses tend to like union-free environments. This is due to the operational policies and cost implications present in unionized settings. Periods of union campaigns sometimes involve unionized environments. During such activities, the administration must only react to this via words and actions that are allowed. Any communications or work that breach legislative guidelines for union campaign activities is thus outlawed.


Ackers, A. W. (2013). Understanding Work and Employment: Industrial Relations in Transition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Cooney, M. S. (2013). Trade Unions and Workplace Training: Issues and International Perspective. London: Routledge.

Gregor, A. W. (2014). The International Handbook of Labour Unions. New York: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Nimalathasan, B. (2013). Human resource management and industrial relations. South Asian Journal of Management, 65-77.

Sinha. (2014). Industrial Relations, Trade Unions, and Labour Legislation. New Dheli: Pearson Education India.

Storey, J. (2014). New Perspectives on Human Resource Management. London: Routledge.

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