Unit II Journal: Research on Mental Health Profession. Essay Example

Published: 2023-09-27
Unit II Journal: Research on Mental Health Profession. Essay Example
Essay type:  Persuasive essays
Categories:  Research Profession Mental health Essays by wordcount
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 762 words
7 min read

The research topic that I researched was a career as a mental health professional because the mental health field contains a lot of career choices to choose from such as a neuropsychologist. I had a steadfast interest in pursuing a career in the field of mental health. There are different kinds of problems that people suffer from related to mental health. As mental health personnel or counselor, I wanted to help patients regain their normal life behavior by using the fields’ expertise and knowledge. In the findings, the WHO accounts that 20% of minors experience mental disorders or troubles (WHO, 2019; Adams & Gibbons, 2019).

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The major reason that contributed to me researching the topic was pure concern about the increasing cases of mental health cases in the community. Mental health cases are increasingly being diagnosed among the youth, which leads to poor job performance and learning inabilities (WHO, 2006). I was concerned about the depression cases that affect teenagers because this is the stage in life that holds sensitive decisions. In my research, I wanted to find which the best career choice is in mental health to offer my assistance in the field.

In the research, I found out that neurological, substance use and mental disorders contribute to 10% of the world’s burden of disease. Also, the research showed that 1 in 5 adolescents and children experience mental disorders. Surprisingly, the research on the mental health field indicated that more than half of mental disorders start before the age of 14(WHO, 2019). In the research, I found that my interests can be better be utilized as a Mental Health Social Worker. My task would be assisting people with mental health problems affecting their daily lives. Through the profession does not involve diagnosing and treating patients, it provides necessary support and information to aid patients in managing their daily routines and mental health issues.

I used both primary and secondary sources of data to gather the information that completed my research. I used primary data sources, such as interviews with mental health professionals and mental health patients. Surveys and questionnaires provided relevant and original information with high degrees of accuracy (Ajayi, 2017). Also, the data came from reliable and concerned parties such as the mental health patients. Focus groups such as non-profit health organizations, emails, social media posts, and telephone provided a lot of primary data and information.

I used secondary data because it is economical due to its easy access online via credible organizations such as the WHO. Secondary data assisted in understanding the topic mental and fill in the deficiencies and gaps left by primary data. Most importantly, secondary data availed a basis of comparison against the data I collected as a researcher (Juneja, 2015). Examples of secondary data I used was bibliographies, encyclopedias, magazine articles and literature reviews such as “A scoping review of the literature on the current mental health status of physicians and physicians-in-training in North America” (Mihailescu & Neiterman, 2019).

The criteria I used to choose my topic were by first analyzing my interests, social characteristics, skill sets, and my education advantages and limitations. Next, I evaluated the social and health issues affecting the community, mostly among the youth and teenagers. The outcomes of my research were that the global community is affected by a shortage of mental health resources, both human and financial resources (Lioi, 2016). Also, the outcomes emphasized that one-on-one counseling and direct patient care is what is needed most to curb mental health disorders and save the next human generations from disturbing mental problems.


Adams, C. R., & Gibbons, M. M. (2019). Counseling Adolescents Diagnosed With Conduct Disorder: Application of Emotion-Focused Therapy for Individuals. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 41(4), 283–296. https://doi.org/10.17744/mehc.41.4.01

Ajayi, V. O. (2017, September 7). Primary Sources of Data and Secondary Sources of Data. ResearchGate; unknown. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320010397_Primary_Sources_of_Data_and_Secondary_Sources_of_Data

Juneja, P. (2015). Sources of Data. Managementstudyguide.Com. https://www.managementstudyguide.com/sources_of_data.htm

Lioi, J. (2016, May 13). Making a Difference in Mental Health Careers. LearnHowToBecome.Org; LearnHowToBecome.org. https://www.learnhowtobecome.org/make-a-difference-careers/mental-health/

Mihailescu, M., & Neiterman, E. (2019). A scoping review of the literature on the current mental health status of physicians and physicians-in-training in North America. BMC Public Health, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-019-7661-9

WHO. (2006). MENTAL HEALTH: FACING THE CHALLENGES, BUILDING SOLUTIONS. Addiction, 101(6), 901–902. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1360-0443.2006.01524.x

World Health Organization: WHO. (2019, October 2). Mental health. Who. Int; World Health Organization: WHO. https://www.who.int/news-room/facts-in-pictures/detail/mental-health

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Unit II Journal: Research on Mental Health Profession. Essay Example. (2023, Sep 27). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/unit-ii-journal-research-on-mental-health-profession?pname=speedypaper.com

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