Free Essay: Training Leaders to Have Effective Leadership

Published: 2023-03-19
Free Essay: Training Leaders to Have Effective Leadership
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Personal leadership Developmental psychology Career development
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1363 words
12 min read

Leadership effectiveness is the critical point to look at when it comes to the matters of analyzing the success of a business or an organization. It refers to what s leader is capable of doing to send a company forward. To separate leadership from leadership effectiveness, we can say that leadership is the act of involving the leadership roles such as motivation and kind influences to the workers to achieve a common, targeted, and organized goal. Leadership is made up of the parts of all leaders, work to be done, and the responsibilities. To be termed as an effective leader, one has not only to be intelligent but also be concerned with doing the right thing, should be a person of integrity, and be concerned with the rightful doings, (St Pierre, Michael, Gesine Hofinger, and Robert Simon, 1). Leadership and management should not bemistaken, and a manager is a person who performs the activities related to planning and organizing programs while a leader only focuses on what to be done to influence others.

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It is believed that great leaders are not born; they are made/ trained, I mean, this happens through training. Research shows that first time managers do not have enough techniques or the leadership qualities that are required so as they can develop clear leadership skills. Sincerely speaking leadership training takes place after a leader has been into the office for around ten years. This action makes the process happen in a late mood. This new mood can be a disaster to the management, the manager's career, as well as the company itself.

Surprisingly, without precise and proper training, a large percentage of managers who are new in the organization, are likely to underperform or fail. The managers who try their best not underperform end up in choosing the undesirable choices of which they may hinder their performance in their near future. If a firm puts its trust in a manager, they should be ready to invest in the management programs, which include the training, process so that they may help them in their management roles. This will guarantee the company that there will be successful managers in their new position. In short, this means that the company is investing in its future by investing in its task force.

As at kinicki and Fugate chapter 13, we get to know that the leadership traits can be learned. The research shows that leadership begins from within; this means that someone has to lead his own life first. In some cases, the study shows that ladies tend to underrate or underestimate their leaders, and by so doing, this leads to the poor performance of the person in his career. The best way to improve yourself as a manager is by receiving feedback from other people during your time as a leader. This will help you to know where to improve and where to pull up your socks as a manager.

Some theories, such as Adam Equity theory, are meant to make people maintain a proper relationship that is fair between the performance met and the reward that is gotten. This means that in case an employee receives less output, which is lesser than the inputs involved, the employee gets de-motivated. This theory is embraced by many since it states that an individual should make their contributions, the information, to expect the outcomes, rewards.

For someone like the bursar to create a good relationship with his students, and make them pay the inquiries in time, he /she should apply the three types of exchange relationship which arises when the involved group tries to correct the act of inequality. These three types of relationship exchange include;

  • Overpaid inequality;
  • This is where a person feels that the level of the output in more
  • Compared to the amount of input used in comparison with others
  • Underpaid equality;
  • This is where a person thinks that the outcome or production is less compared to the level of feedback involved. This is done in comparison with others.
  • The equality;
  • This is where a person in a particular ground feels that the level of his. /her outcome is equal to those of others at the same level.

After the three types of relationship exchange above, we conclude that Adams Equity theory is a clear picture of that shows us the level of motivation amongst members in a working environment, (Priest, Simon, and Michael Gass 1). A member is assumed to be treated fairly when he feels that he is highly motivated. The state of demotivation arises when a member feels that he/she is not treated fairly. As a bursar, you need to be honest; in order to be persuasive, you need to be convincing. Show the students the importance of making any payment early for them not to have interfered with their learning program. In this theory, we get to know that our feeling concerning inequality influences our behaviors. As a bursar, you should make the students feel encouraged and motivated.

Being a bursar is not only all about money; he/she has the responsibility of taking all those types of work which does not deal with teaching. A bursar is a counselor; he can counsel students and show them the right track. A more support a bursar can be to a student, the more motivated the student can be, and the best can be devoted to learning.

Since great leaders can be trained according to kinicki and Fugate, some aspects need to be included in the leadership training program. If the manager wants to encourage the leadership in the firm or the company, one needs to provide effective training for the leaders, ( Rosenbach, William 1). Through the means of training, one can the managers can be empowered whereby they can be aware of the ways to compete and succeed in any kind of business environment, may it be complex or competitive. These aspects include;

Encourage a learning culture.

Senior leaders should embrace the culture of learning. The most effective way of promoting a positive learning environment is by involving mentorship in the leader's training programs. These mentorship programs are so crucial to the organization since they lead to increased knowledge and also offer the opportunity to receive feedback from the outside and also the support.

Teaching on the improvement of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is an ability to learn and understand your feeling and the feeling of others. This factor needs to be incorporated into the training program to help the leader know how to handle themselves and others emotionally. It is essential in managing the conflicts as well as performing well under pressure to meet the firm's goals.

The importance of knowing how and the right time to delegate.

Change is inevitable, and it is crucial when it comes, as a leader, you should know, and when to embrace it. This act should be included in the training program since leaders are the drivers driving the transformation and change within the company.

Change of a headship mindset.

Research shows that, in every leadership training program, the progress of the headship mindset is the most important thing. The statement concludes that a great leader is someone capable of including positive impacts and visions for the organization as well as its development.

Training should be done within the context of the organization.

Leadership training should include the factors which involve the real business in the organization. This means that nothing should be copied from another organization. It should be taught should be concerning that organization.

In conclusion, leadership training is so essential in an organization, and this is because what is needed will be incorporated into the leadership through training to enable the organization to move forward. It allows leaders to identify their weaknesses and strong points. It also enables the organization to invest in what is best and productive for them, leaving what brings loss.


Priest, Simon, and Michael Gass. Effective Leadership in Adventure Programming, 3E. Human Kinetics, 2017.

Rosenbach, William E. Contemporary issues in leadership. Routledge, 2018.

St Pierre, Michael, Gesine Hofinger, and Robert Simon. Crisis management in acute care settings: human factors and team psychology in a high-stakes environment. Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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