Unmasking the American Dream: Assessing the Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Prosperity and Hard Work

Published: 2023-12-26
Unmasking the American Dream: Assessing the Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Prosperity and Hard Work
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare Covid 19
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 690 words
6 min read

The article "coronavirus pandemic has unmasked the fragility of the American dream," Allison Cochrane has outlined that everybody can realize the American dream if they work hard. America dreams that life should be healthier and prosperous or complete for every person, with a chance for each depending on achievement or ability (Cochrane 20). The coronavirus pandemic has challenged the Americans from achieving their dream. Thus, this dream is only attainable by very few people. Many engage in more than one job in their lifetime, but they can still not evade poverty. This has made some residents who have experienced this to feel that the American dream is not real in reality.

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It has recently become so apparent that being a diligent person in the U.S will not guarantee you success. This is because you can do nothing in the world invaded by the corona pandemic, which is beyond our control. Many people are jobless, and they cannot earn their everyday living due to this worldwide pandemic. It has taken away our health, education, and jobs hence shattering the notion of our dream.

I agree with Alison that individuals are already not in the control of their fortune hence shattering the spectre they ever were. Residence requesting unemployment help has increased to over 22 million, which was witnessed since the great depression. The losses experienced by people currently are not their fault but something they cannot even control. Thus, banishing the idea that work ethic and motivation are specific guarantors of various failure and success. On many different occasions, success is the product of prospect. Therefore, those people who are sufficiently lucky to be raised in the world full of opportunities. That is, having a neighborhood with more excellent education or better socioeconomic level. These are the individuals who reap the systems' benefits.

I also disagree with the Allison Cochrane opinion that people are not in control of their prosperity. Despite the outbreak of the corona pandemic, some people still have control of their fortune. Some individuals had their work operating normal, and their economic wellbeing is not affected. Others even interact with people like before the pandemic; hence their socioeconomic life is not affected by the epidemic.

According to Alison, the pandemic disregards the belief that doctors are invaluable, expendable, and unskilled. Services employees such as delivery persons, trash collectors, and grocery store clerks are the employees who are paid minimal salaries. Besides being remunerated measly wage for the services they offer, they also fail to get job-security and some benefits that accrue from their work. Therefore, this portrays how little these workers were appreciated before the pandemic. I agree with him because some companies have terminated their employees' contracts upon the epidemic's outbreak. These companies are now offering indigent services because few and unskilled employees who are left are multitasked with many tasks they are not even skilled.

The jobs that were considered worthless is now being regarded as significant in maintaining the quality of life people expect and keeping the nation running (Olson 29). Currently, white-collar jobs are earning many Americans living. The pandemic has made us know this and happy that service employees can earn their respect. Every person should be praised for their ability and hard work. Believe that personal advantage is the sole determinant of success; people think that jobs requiring necessary qualifications or skills are more valuable.

To sum up, it is evident that, upon the coronavirus outbreak, many Americans lost their jobs, and hence their social and economic statuses are affected negatively. Thus this has led them to think that the American dream is not real. Many residents struggle to earn a living during this challenging time despite the few job opportunities left unclosed. Therefore, the coronavirus pandemic has revealed the American dream's misconception, indicating that hard work and control far beyond our reach than it has been.

Works Cited

Cochrane, Allison. “The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Exposed the Fragility of the American Dream.” The Diamondback, 23 Aug. 2020, dbknews.com/2020/04/22american-dream-coronavirus-illusion-fake/.

Olson, Erin. "From the American Dream to Shalom: A Review of The Myth of the American Dream.” 29, (2020). https://digitalcollections.dordt.edu/faculty_work/1205/

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Unmasking the American Dream: Assessing the Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Prosperity and Hard Work. (2023, Dec 26). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/unmasking-the-american-dream-assessing-the-impact-of-the-coronavirus-pandemic-on-prosperity-and-hard-work?pname=speedypaper.com

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