Veil of Ignorance - Free Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-26
Veil of Ignorance - Free Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Sociology Ethics
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 731 words
7 min read


Veil of ignorance is one of the approaches that people use to resolve issues from a moral perspective. The use of the veil of ignorance enables individuals to make decisions to reach the appropriate choice concerning social or ethical matters. However, the decision-makers assume that they are knowledgeable about the repercussions of the anticipated decisions for each party, even though they may not know or take into account the statuses of the individuals associated with the issue (Wooldridge, 2020). During my secondary education system, being the students' leader, had the responsibility of intervening in small cases that concerned students before the matter could reach top the teacher on duty and finally to the administration, principal, and counseling department if the issue becomes more prominent. It was a crucial time in my life that have gained experience in making precise decisions that portrayed moral values in leadership capabilities.

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Theft of Learning Materials

While occupying that position of students' leader, I received a case about theft of learning materials from two students who complained that a form four student, our principal's son, was organizing for this theft and selling these materials to the arranged school outsiders. Even though it was my responsibility to channel the case through the right channel, there were difficulties in making our principal's son guilty. Therefore, I had applied the veil of ignorance about his status. This theory opened a fairground to file the case as received from the complaints without altering anything that could interfere with evidence even though his father was our school principal. Ignorance of his father's position and the problems I could face in return triggered courage in forwarding the case with boldness to the teacher on duty to organize for further clarifications.

Luckily, the teacher I handed the complaint had a clue about the same issue and hired spies to have the student be red-handed while doing these theft activities. It went on successfully, and the student got forwarded to the next level, where he received a suspension of two weeks and later joined under the condition that he should visit the guidance and counseling committee every week for three months. Consequently, his father paid for the lost items to the students who complained about their belongings, and everything remained peaceful on a fairgrounds (Paulo & Pölzler, 2020). So my decision making through the veil of ignorance succeed for the first time to apply this theory in leadership position have ever had.

Chain of the Case

With time after the incident, our principal followed up the chain of the case and found that it started from my office, the student's office, and called me to his office. At that confusion, he asked me about how I had gathered the information about the rampant theft taking place in the school, and after narrating, it turned differently from what I thought. It was a surprise that he appreciated me for taking that bold initiative to finish this stealing culture among the students that had prolonged due to fear of the background statuses of the involved students. He urged me to feel the same efforts in the leadership roles, for it was an excellent step for not only our school but the entire community.

The most challenging aspect in this issue context was that the suspect was our principal's son, and thus, it was difficult to declare him guilty. This decision making could result in an adverse response from the principal if he considered it like intimidation of his administration and family. I could get expelled from the school or get demotion from the leadership position since it was the principal and other primary administration executives who decided on the student's leader appointment that was not guaranteed permanently.


Similarly, the other students could strike after realizing that the principal's son was managing this mega theft of learning materials in the school. The destruction caused could lead to extended investigations about the origin of the case, and if the complaints refuse to stand by their evidence, my suspension for fueling the students' to strike could be automatic.


Paulo, N., & Pölzler, T. (2020). "X-Phi and Impartiality Thought Experiments: Investigating the Veil of Ignorance." Diametros, 1-18.published on May 12th, 2020,

Wooldridge, M. (2020). "Through the Veil of Ignorance: Understanding Social Welfare. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 35(02), 99-101." Published in March-April 2020,

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