Free Essay - What Can We Do to Improve Healthcare?

Published: 2023-10-26
Free Essay - What Can We Do to Improve Healthcare?
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  United States Problem solving Healthcare policy Community health
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 475 words
4 min read

Good health is important daily. Generally, good health starts from the way you protect yourself; for example, we should ensure that our staying places are conducive and friendly to our health. The health sector is one of the sensitive areas in many countries across the world, and the US is one of the countries that has been at the forefront of seeking to improve the healthcare system (Lachman, 2020). There are therefore some of ways that the US can do to improve the healthcare system,

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As one of the ways of improving healthcare in the US, every family should be provided with a refundable tax. When providing refundable taxes, the government should ensure that they are affordable to everybody. The same tax should be categorized according to the capability of the family. Widening partnerships with many stakeholders of health is another method that the US can do to improve healthcare ( Nix & O'Shea 2015). Engaging with different stakeholders will enable health professionals to volunteer and provide care to many patients, which will save time.

Technology is another area that should be looked at as the US is seeking to improve the healthcare system. Ideally, technology has seen constant improvement, and the medical field should as well adjust their technological system. Thus, the US can also improve health care by ensuring that the technology system is accurate, and that will enable them to always come up with correct information about the health of the patient.

The US can also improve health care by coming up with unique techniques that save time and less costly, for example, using mobile to attend the patients (Winslow, 2020). The mobiles will enable doctors and patients to connect themselves to the place they are going to meet. For example, they will be sending some vehicles which are equipped with medicine and devices which are going to be used to serve the patient. This will favor both people in rural areas and urban areas, thus promoting equality to the people.

Moreover, the transportation network should be looked at as the US is seeking to improve the healthcare system. Efforts should be ensured that they are focused on the self-regulating transportation network because this will bring positive effects on the peoples' health (Pathak, 2020). The experts can use this network because it is flexible to go to every place; hence, they can go and deliver medical activities.


Lachman, P. (2020). From judgment to improvement: lessons for the future. International Journal for Quality in Health Care.

Nix, K. A., & O'Shea, J. S. (2015). Improving Healthcare Quality in the United States: A New Approach. Southern Medical Journal, 108(6), 359-363.

Pathak, A. (2020). Using tech to improve health outcomes: Rakya Technologies Pvt Ltd. XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students, 26(3), 52-53.

Winslow, R. (2020). (Re) defining Healthcare Quality: Metrics, Protocols, and the Restructuring of Care Delivery (Doctoral dissertation, UCSF).

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