Paper Example: Why I Want to Become a Warrant Officer in the US Marine Corps

Published: 2023-03-21
Paper Example: Why I Want to Become a Warrant Officer in the US Marine Corps
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Admission help Army Profession
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 520 words
5 min read

Careers in the military are divided into two; enlisted and officers. While the majority of employees in the forces work as enlisted, officers, who are basically leaders, are about eighteen percent. I have worked as an enlisted for eight years and it is during this period that I have developed an interest in joining the warrant officers in either the active duty or the reserve program.

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The desire to join the Marines started in my early years as a youth and was motivated by my love and care for my country and humanity at large. I liked the purpose of the United States Marine Corps to defend the nation internally and externally. Having been brought up in the wake of terror threats, the Marine Corps tradition of defending the Constitution, Americans, and stabilizing the entire world was my greatest inspiration. I always feel the desire to take part in ensuring a peaceful America and a terror-free world. My near-decade career as an enlisted has also greatly contributed in my aspirations to serve as a warrant officer through exposure to the nature of the work.

Warrant officers, who are about eight percent of the total Marine Corps personnel, have noble roles which include the provision of technical expertise required in combat operations and also in the handling and servicing of military equipment. They lead in combat operations through the provision of technical guidance. The rank is a leadership position, which makes it more appealing. Warrant officers are well trained in technological advancements in combat operations. They therefore not only operate and maintain military equipment such as marine vessels and aircrafts, but they also teach other military staff on new technologies relevant to the field. Warrant officers also serve as mentors to corps.

The requirements for admission are not so stringent. For instance, a high school diploma is not necessary when one has at least eight years' experience as an enlisted. One should be physically fit and have attained at least 110 points in the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). Additionally, a warrant officer should not have any negative criminal record. Other requirements include an age bracket of 18 to 46 years and a compulsory United States citizenship.

The monthly remuneration is also competitive as it is above three thousand dollars for grade one officers. Also, members of the Marine Corps receive additional benefits which include either free or tax-free medical care, food and house allowance. They also get financial support for education through programs such as the Montgomery GI Bill. Hence, warrant officers are open to further their studies at will with no personal tuition expenditure. Officers in the Marine Corps can receive their retirement benefits after twenty years of service. Furthermore, rising between ranks is easy for warrant officers. The entry position is grade one and promotion to top ranks is dependent on work experience.

In conclusion, it is clear warrant officers in the Marine Corps have noble roles. They are leaders, technical experts, and mentors to other personnel in the field. Besides, they have favorable remunerations and additional benefits. Warrant officers are provided education benefits for those willing to further their studies.

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Paper Example: Why I Want to Become a Warrant Officer in the US Marine Corps. (2023, Mar 21). Retrieved from

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