Youth and Society, Free Essay with an Article Summary

Published: 2017-12-29
Youth and Society, Free Essay with an Article Summary
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Ethics Society
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 322 words
3 min read

Youth social issues

The Report on ‘The Young’ highlights some issues. First, it talks about the life faced by millennials in their quest to earn a living and bring up their families. Young people are projected as being oppressed in this regard given a significantly huge percentage neither have access to neither education nor employment. The reason behind this is that the rules in place only favor those who are already employed, while education is so costly to the extent that even those who seek it end up running heavy into debt. Unfortunately, such shortcomings impact their livelihoods even in future given an unemployed youth is bound to lose confidence, as they become less and less appealing to prospective employers. Not to mention, those who remain jobless are projected to earn much less later on in life compared to their employed counterparts. The fact that the labor regulations do not favor them only makes the situation worse as older employees seem to be given preference by existing systems. Owing to such concerns therefore, their talent and full potential remain unexploited (The Economist, 2016, p. 3).

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Even so, the author at the same time depicts the youth as being in a position to enjoy privileges and freedoms that no other generation has. They are not only open-minded, but also multilingual, and technology savvy. Besides, the fact that youth can move from rural to urban areas or poor to rich countries where they can advance their productivity provides a sense of hope. Not to mention, they can use digital platforms to reach lifetime partners and can build smaller, more manageable families. Thus, this works in their favor as well. Lastly, scientific advancements in the medical field also bring to light some favorable aspects given it is predicted that, people will be able to live past the age of 120 with their application.


The Economist (2016). The Young. Generation Uphill. London: The Economist Group.

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Youth and Society, Free Essay with an Article Summary. (2017, Dec 29). Retrieved from

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