Child Development: A Study of the Human Mind & Behaviour - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-27
Child Development: A Study of the Human Mind & Behaviour - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Child development Behavior
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1039 words
9 min read


Psychology is the scientific study of how the human mind functions affecting the behaviour of individuals in a given surrounding or context. Just like adults, children experience psychological events as they develop. These events shape the way they behave and perceive information. Child development refers to Child development entails the sequence of child growth emotionally, physically, and language acquisition over time. As children develop, there is a particular inclination and need to acquire toys necessary in aiding their development (Xu et al., 2017).

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Toys in the market promise variety of needs fulfilment to the consumers, in this case, children and toddlers. Toys have various functions necessary to stimulate growth in children. For instance, tethering toys for toddlers come in multiple shapes, sizes, and colours. Tethering toys or tethers are mostly purchased by parents whose babies` teeth have begun or show signs of rooting out. These toys are primarily covered in bright shades of colours such as red or pink, probably to capture the attention of babies. Most of them produce no sound and have a soft texture mostly made with polyester material. This aspect makes it easy for babies to nibble on silently, and at times they have succeeded in soothing and calming the baby to sleep.

During its purchase, the marketers would always show boards validating the critical benefits of these tethers for the child such as; relieving pain during the tethering process, safe for baby to nibble on (Simone et al., 2018). Also, alleviate the discomfort that comes with teething, enhances tactic development, and enabling babies to learn how to perceive the world probably from consistent nibbling which triggers the brain cells and enable the cells to remain alert.

However, in my opinion as a researcher, all these might not accurately be the case since; some of the tethers sold in the market are made of wood with sharp ages thus nullifying the safety aspect. Besides, nibbling on tethers' by babies may alleviate teething discomfort for a shorter period such that, when they are withdrawn from the baby, the sense of discomfort may still be present. Ultimately, consistent nibbling on tethers may culminate in the sense of addiction for the baby. The baby may become hooked to the tethers and display angry behaviours upon its withdrawal. In summary, the baby's psyche may become tuned to teeth if used for more extended periods, and the baby may tend always to turn to use the toys for comfort.

Changing Roles of parents

Parents are the primary caregivers of their children. Therefore, how they care and meet for their children's needs matters in gauging and evaluating their roles towards raising holistic children in society. There has been a drastic change in the roles of parents to their children based on what they instil in their children while bringing them up.

Today’s parents are faced with several challenges in how they raise their children. Interest in parenting has only been embraced in recent years. Today’s parents are faced with immense advice from many experts, some who are not trained and they concentrate more on what the society expects of them (Oso, 2020). They thus, miss the support of neighbours and family which was given to previous-generation parents. Additionally, parents of previous generations were more concerned with necessary provisions like food and water unlike parents of today who are mostly concerned with how their children present themselves in public based on what they dress, how they talk and sit. It is a great challenge for parents of today since they seem to lack a sense of direction to provide for their children.

There is also a significant challenge in parents of today as they try to balance their family and their career. The significant focus in their careers makes them less involved in their children compared to parents in earlier generations whose priorities focused more on the family such that we had more mothers remaining at home as fathers went to work.

Changes in the society such as; more mothers securing jobs and increased economic inflation levels have influenced parenting styles and practices. Additionally, increased cases of single parenting in the community have affected the value the society had for family and partnered parenting skills. On the other hand, the media has also played a vital role in changing parenting techniques. Members in the family, including children, are now spending the time they would have used with their parents to instil good morals to glare in screens; thus, acquiring unwanted behaviour from the internet. Such actions induce use of drugs and advocating for prostitution from unwanted sites as their parents do not monitor them (Moon et al, 2019).

Parents should strive to formulate strategies that will ensure they spend more time with their children and get to learn and advise them other than being selfish towards fulfilling their career goals. I plan to be a more concerned parent and strive to put my children's needs first while listening and directing them. I would be a better version of my parents if not best.


Childhood experience is the best experience that you can never take back if lost. Therefore, it is an expression I tend to say allot to other children. The expression is to assist them to know the value of being children and how they can get to experience the best version of themselves before becoming adults and being faced with significant responsibilities which would take their childhood away.


Moon, R. Y., Mathews, A., Oden, R., & Carlin, R. (2019). Mothers’ Perceptions of the Internet and social media as sources of parenting and health information: qualitative study. Journal of medical Internet research, 21(7), e14289.

Oso, F. A. (2020). Challenges of parenting in a post-modern age. Sapientia Global Journal Of Arts, Humanities And Development Studies, 3(2).

Simione, M., Loret, C., Le Révérend, B., Richburg, B., Del Valle, M., Adler, M. & Green, J. R. (2018). Differing structural properties of foods affect the development of mandibular control and muscle coordination in infants and young children. Physiology & behavior, 186, 62-72.

Xu, L., Zhi, L., & Cai, Y. (2017). Methyl siloxanes in children silicone-containing products from China: profiles, leaching, and children exposure. Environment international, 101, 165-172

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