Comparison of Power Regimes - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-15
Comparison of Power Regimes - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Racism History Political science Historical & political figures
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 961 words
9 min read

Fascism is a political ideology in which the leader promoted nationalism and worked on bringing the country back to its glory days. It was common with countries that came to power after the world war I more so Germany and Italy. Nazism also referred to as national socialism was a branch of fascism, applied intense of nationalism and dictatorship ruling. Communism was an ideology that emphasized economic quality and promoted a society without social classes.

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Social class is a group of people within a society who have the same social, economic status. In communism, all people were considered equal, and there were no social classes nor sovereignty in society. Fascism believed that existence of class organization was an essential aspect of a civilized society (Albanese & Giulia, pp 20). Both the lower and higher classes were expected to perform their responsibilities as required. Nazism believed in the existed of social classes in society. Where the high class would rule in dictatorship and the middle class were required to perform their responsibilities as expected. During the Germany currency inflation of 1923, the savings of the middle class in the society was wiped out.

Property ownership is also a very critical element in the society as it can lead to many disputes which will result in no development. The communism society believed that property ownership was there was no private ownership of the property. Everything belonged to the society, and everyone had equal ownership rights towards it. In Nazism and fascism, private ownership of property was allowed in society. Those in high class or the leadership would possess' large quantities, and the middle class would have possession to less property. The high class would also snatch the property of the middle class. Like the case in 1923, during the Germany currency inflation, the savings of the middle-class were swept off.

Economic development is always key in every political ideology. They have to raise finances to sustain leadership as well as provide for their followers. The mode of production is always key in the economic growth of societythe communist ideology invested in the industrial mode of production (Slann & Martin, pp20). Machines did the production, and everyone worked in the production and was free to control the process. The profits earned would then be shared amongst all people equally. For the fascists and Nazism, the production model was also industrial (Albanese & Giulia, pp 20). The production was done by machine and was controlled by the high class. The middle class worked in the production industry, but the production profits were shared amongst the high class only.

Racism and discrimination are a prevalence aspect in all political societies. In the communist ideology, racism was not practiced as everyone was treated equally regardless of the position of their social-economic status. The society had no classes, and all people had fair and equal access to services. Nazism believed in racial superiority and spread the information through broadcasts that the Germany race must remain pure to take up the world. They carried sterilization on people considered as inferior to limit the growth of their race. The small ethnic groups, disabled individuals, the deaf, blind, and dumb were the inferiors (Grabias & Aleksandra, pp83). Hitler, together with other Nazi leaders, considered the Jews as a poisonous race which wasnt religious. After Hitlers take off the school teachers started measuring the skull size and nose lengths of the students together with recording their hair and eye pupil colour to ensure that they are pure Aryan race which really humiliated the Jewish students. Unlike Nazism, fascist did not have an account of extensive racism. Early Italy didnt feature racism as it was focused on growing its economic development.

The leadership style of a society or country influences its development and growth greatly, both socially and economically. The communism adopted the revolutionary ideology where the society development dependent on the logical succession of a mans existence in society. Most people believe that a communistic leadership turns out to be dictatorial as the society is led by a leader or political party that does not consider people while making a decision. Nazism leadership is a fusion of charismatic and bureaucratic. In the charismatic form, the leader has full control, and nothing can be implemented without their approval. They delegate power to their close inner circle, and theres no democracy. In bureaucratic everyone has to follow procedures which become hard for the youths and people low social classes. The fascist's leadership gave complete authority to their leader, which made them dictatorial. Italy started several wars to have possessive authority over other authority hence the start of world war II.

Conclusively all the power forms used different ways to impact an effect on its people. The communist leadership advocated for fairness and equality amongst society. It emphasized most on the general well-being of the people without considering their social classes; everyone had equal opportunity and access to services. It's practiced by a few countries like China as its not effective for the state where a single political party controls the economy. In the Nazism and fascism emphasizes is based on authoritative leadership where the leader must approve all activities occurring. It led by a single political party or leader; thus, dictatorship is highly practiced in the two regimes.


Albanese, Giulia. "The Italians and Fascism." Contemporary European History, 24.02 (2015). Retrieved from:

Gliszczynska-Grabias, Aleksandra. "Communism Equals or Versus Nazism? Europe’s Unwholesome Legacy in Strasbourg." East European Politics and Societies 30.1 (2016): 74-96. Retrieved from:

Slann, Martin W. "Comparing Islamism, Fascism, and Communism." (2015). Retrieved from:

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