Culture Plunge

Published: 2023-07-11
Culture Plunge
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Health and Social Care Sociology Art
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1000 words
9 min read

Does the film feature people who were born with disabilities? or people who have acquired disabilities

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People who were born or acquired disabilities later in their life have been featured in the film. In the film, some characters have acquired disabilities through accidents or other related causes. The film also shows other characters who appear to have been born with the conditions. However, despite being represented to have disabilities, all the characters seem to have adapted their situation and happily running their life.

Impact of the perspectives of people featured in the film

The effect on the perspective on how other seem them is demonstrated through the enthusiasm they possess while interacting with their colleagues especially while playing. As presented in the film, all the characters seem to run normal life carrying out activities just like healthy people (Richardson, 247). All characters featured in the film can actively participate in the game of their choice and also do exercises which best suits them.

Initial assumptions, biases and stigmas that I have before I watched the film

My initial assumption while watching the film was that the characters would not be able to participate in exercises with their colleagues since they are on wheelchairs. I hardly thought they would run a happy life with a passion for carrying out aa given task. I also believed they should not be given equal tasks to healthy people since the amount of output difference may be highly significant.

The manner the film challenge or change my thinking?

After watching the film, I realized given the same opportunities to healthy people, people with disabilities can still provide the same output. No human is limited, disability does not count to personal progression. Characters featuring in the film readily accept themselves and are ready to carry out exercises beyond how their cotemporal individuals view them. Allowing people with disabilities in society is the best alternative since they have similar ambitions as healthy people. They should, therefore, be taken care of and also be offered an opportunity to live a healthy life without experiencing judgmental stressors such as being undermined and being neglected (McDermott, 17).

The manner the film relates to the social model and medical model of disabilities

In the social model, disability refers to having a deviation from the norm. In the film, some characters have a physical challenge which makes them stand out as different from others (Vogler et al.). The medical model stresses on deficiency of factors constituting to normal. In the film, some characters are featured in wheelchairs which deviates from the factors contributing to healthy people.

Two concepts that are learned in class and how they have been applied in Murderball

How to address disability with a respectful language. All the characters in the film use words that are sensitive. They ensure no intimidation is focused on the disabled, and it gives them a purpose and morale to continue practising.

Access. The disabled are offered wheelchairs even during their training, and it prevents them from crawling. They also have access to the facility.

What might be inconsistent with the content thought in class or perceived as problematic

The content that they are taught in class defies with the real struggle that they experience in life. While in the film describes that they achieve their success without struggling, the studies in the class portray both aspects; on how they fight and how they make achievements in their lives.

How the film support disability studies taught in GenS420?

The film revolves around disability studies that are taken care of and taught in GenS420. GenS420 shows the fundamentals of handling disabled people by normal ones. It explains to the healthy people on how to support the disabled in their daily activities.

Exploration of dignity and ableism perpetuated within the film

Among the core virtues taken care of in the film is upholding dignity. It is portrayed in the entire film on events and how the disabled people are cared for and supported by their instructors while training and during tournaments.

Ableism occurs in the film by trying to show on how well-catered, well communicated and well treated the disabled people are now. In occasions, due to the varying high speeds of their wheelchairs, they are left to hit one another.

A brief film summary

The film entails players who are mostly disabled in walking. They have to depend on a wheelchair to move around and make their training effective. The film shows to create a big picture of the importance of the disabled in partaking in games. It shows that the working environment of the disabled people can be set and improved to handle sports activities and eliminate ng the disabled nature of the participants. Even though a rugby game would require a player who has an exquisite physique, the film shows that the game is more than that provided the players to follow game rules.

Impact of the course in my life

It has helped me to view disabled people as equal to others who do not have such difficulties.

How I might see myself included and contributing to the lives of disabled people

I could support them with what they need or what they request. I would hold a charity to raise more wheelchairs to promote the game.

How I foresee people with disability contribute to myself now and in the future

People with disability standout out in how they lead their lives and manage to conduct their daily activities, and therefore, they are a motivating factor in my life.

Works Cited

McDermott, Ray, Shelley Goldman, and Herve Varenne. "The cultural work of learning disabilities." Educational Researcher 35.6 (2006): 12-17., Stephen A., et al. "Cultural uniformity in reaction to physical disabilities." American Sociological Review (1961): 241-247., D., et al. "Cross-cultural validation of the Oswestry disability index in French." Annales de readaptation et de medecine physique: revue scientifique de la Societe francaise de reeducation fonctionnelle de readaptation et de medecine physique. Vol. 51. No. 5. 2008.

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Culture Plunge. (2023, Jul 11). Retrieved from

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