Free Essay Sample on Respiratory System Disease

Published: 2023-10-17
Free Essay Sample on Respiratory System Disease
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 636 words
6 min read


Respiratory diseases are common in almost every human population. The human respiratory system is complex and delicate. The defect on any part of the respiratory system affects other parts and the entire functioning of the lungs. Cells require oxygen to produce the energy needed by tissues and organs for the normal functioning of the body. The pathway for oxygen into the cell or tissue is healthy lungs. Nostrils are essential in that they warm and purify the air breathed in to avoid physical damage to the lungs in case an object finds its way into the lungs (Seth, 2019).

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The same nose also has sensitive nerves to change in temperature; a drop in temperature causes the nerves to contract to block air passage in and out of the nose. Some of the respiratory diseases include asthma, flu, pneumonia, and Emphysema. Most of the respiratory diseases are caused by pathogens that is bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Some of the pathogens are airborne. The common feature of all the pathogens is that they attack the respiratory tract at any point resulting in ineffective air passage across the walls of the lungs.

Oxygen Phenomenon

A phenomenon of such kind may render the patient weak as no oxygen is reaching the cells to facilitate respiration. Air pollution by pathogens and other materials also contributes to respiratory diseases by a greater percentage, and precaution should be taken to curb any situation. Asthma is a respiratory disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the lungs air pathways leading to dry cough, wheezing, difficulty in breathing, which is common in all other respiratory diseases.

Treatment is the obvious and next step undertaken by any health service provider in any health facility. Since asthma is a result of chronic inflammation of the lungs, the treatment aims at repairing the heart to enable it to function effectively. Treatment is further enhanced by safeguarding the affected person from breathing contaminated air with fumes, dust particles, among other sensitive allergies (Seth, 2019).

De-congestion is another treatment measure that is so much embraced as it relieves the affected individuals from breathlessness. It is crucial to note that the disease can be controlled by taking into account simple treatment measures and adopting a healthy lifestyle that safeguards the lungs from any damage. Asthma

Respiratory System Disease

The symptoms and signs in some cases intensify when a patient or affected person is exposed to the disease allergies, which may include air pollution, smoke from tobacco, fumes, certain food substances, and chemicals. Cold is also another factor that contributes or worsens the extent to which an affected person may suffer since it lowers oxygen intake and expelling of carbon (iv) oxide from respiratory surfaces (Seth, 2019).

Though cases of asthma are just like those others causing different kinds of respiratory diseases, researchers have always resorted to particular signs and symptoms in identifying asthma as one of the respiratory diseases, which is none other than difficulty in breathing and prolonged dry coughing. The signs and symptoms overlap, but in some cases, there are ones that are strictly for a particular disease. People should always live in a well-ventilated room free of dust particles and other chemicals which may cause chronic damage to lungs, which is the link through which oxygen get into cells for energy production and expulsion of Carbon (IV) Oxide to minimize the development of toxic materials in the body system and lungs in particular (Seth, 2019).


Above all, every person should take it upon himself to seek medication in time to avoid excess damage to the lungs by getting treatment in good time. There should also be civic education to enlighten people on the dangers of contracting asthma and the importance of early treatment.


Seth, S. (2019). Acute Respiratory Tract Infections and How to Treat Them.

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