Free Essay: Investigating the Popularity of Western Education in China

Published: 2017-09-29
Free Essay: Investigating the Popularity of Western Education in China
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Education Students
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1255 words
11 min read

Based on the eight interviews and eleven questionnaires, the student’s answers indicated that they disliked the educational system in China. The nineteen students possess differing views about Chinese education and the western education systems. The findings reflected their dislike towards educational system applied in the China. The feedback analysis explains that the educational curriculum of the country needs to be created to suit educational needs that facilitate satisfaction amongst students. The findings also explain the increased popularity of the western education in the country.

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According to the findings, eight of eleven questionnaire respondents feel that the education system of the country was created to facilitate examination passing. The Chinese curriculum focuses on the passing of examination rather than academic knowledge. The systems view the passing of examinations as the indispensable factor that is needed to create room for academic excellence. “Students often study for a long time just prepares for an exam, and the exam can decide students’ future. I think it’s unfair, some students may study so hard but failed the exam just due to some special situations.” This is according to Arrow a Chinese student. The quotation explains how the student feels about the exam system of the country that kicks out some students from the learning system because of unexplainable circumstances The students feels like the system makes them focus on writing down what has been taught and what is printed in the text books. The activity explains reasons as to why eight students prefer the western education system. A broader look at the topic of discussion explains the need of the Chinese education system to develop an alternative way of teaching its students.

According to the answers of the eight interviews, the education system in China is not able to identify the early education potential of students in the country. This is because not all students are good at all subjects. Five of the eight students feel that the education system should be created in such a way that it recognizes the academic potential of each student at an early stage. “Gaokao system only wants to discover the students who are good at all subjects.” This David’s response, a student that feels like the education system focuses on the general performance leaving out specific field that a student is good. The quotation illustrates that the education system of china lacks specialization on specified subjects that a student is perfect. The Chinese education system does not specialize on specific skills. Ideally, it fails to diversify into other relevant fields that are essential to the education of a learner (Fingar et al., 2012). The quotation explains how the Chinese students may feel oppressed with the present education structure of the country. This is because a student who is good at math and sciences may have limited knowledge in the field of arts. While a student, good in arts is poor in mathematics and sciences. The education system of the country should be created in such a way that it favors the knowledge in all the fields.


Based on the findings, Arrow, David, Esther, George, and Gary explained their discontent with the Chinese education system. Each student gave out a specified reason about his or her dislike to the education system of the country. The nineteen student’s response from the questionnaire questions explained that the system left out some relevant facets of education that facilitates the delivery of quality learning to students. George explained the need of the education system to be innovative rather than depending on one exam to determine the fate of the student after an eighteen-year study. Esther illustrates that the western education is preferable because it focuses on practical skills rather than the theoretical part. The responses of David and Garry and Arrow also explain the popularity of the western education establishments in the country. Therefore, western education establishments are popular in the country.

The use of interviews and questionnaires gives the actual response to the set of queries asked. Through the interviews, one learns the necessity some educational aspects such as practicality and innovativeness. The interviewing of a team of eight students and distributing the questionnaires to Chinese students in order to collect the required set of results was appropriate (Krieger & Research and Education Association, 2010). Ideally, the questionnaire distribution to the eleven students enabled the research to come up with explanations to the findings on how the western education establishment was perceived in China. Through the eight interviews and eleven student responses to questionnaires, one is able to make actual determinations about the reliability of the whole process.

Seven out of nineteen Students value the practical aspect of education rather than passing of the examinations in the western and Chinese education system. A look at the Esther’s response explains the point. The education system in the country teaches the students to become more reliant on textbooks and the existing theoretical knowledge. This does not create room for practicality. Esther prefers the western education because it enables students to practice what they have been taught in the classroom. “I choose Western Education because this system requires me to develop my practical skills.” The quotation from the response explains Esther’s area of interest. The quote gives valid reasons as to why the practical aspect of western education makes it popular. The activity takes place with regular experiments on the things learned in the classroom together with other dominant activities (Neave, 2012). The high level of practicality of the western education system makes it popular amongst the students in the country. Ideally, the education structure in China needs to focus on practical and theory to facilitate its popularity in students in the country. In conclusion, Western education is quite popular in the country.

When given the option of choosing between western education and Chinese education, twelve out of the nineteen students preferred western education. This is because they think that western education focuses more on practical skills rather than theory. The seven students value their practical skills rather than theoretical concepts (Gu, 2014). The ability of the western education system to provide room for practicals makes students to prefer the educational system. Ideally, the practical engagement in the classes reduces idleness and tiredness amongst students. The use of experiments practicals make them quite participative in class. The factor makes western education to be quite preferable to students owing to the high level of engagement that is experienced in the classes. Based on the interviews and questionnaire response, the twelve students feel that the education structure of the country needs to focus more on knowledge grasping rather than passing of exams.

During the antique times, Chinese children underwent the education systems that taught about basic arithmetic, medicine, philosophy and culture. The factor enabled the Chinese to establish a central administration that ruled over the populous nation. The introduction of western education in most parts of the country took place ever since the British colonial period. Ideally, the Chinese have been known to resist western civilization at it took a long time for it to integrated into part of the Chinese cultural setting. It was a key reason why the answers from the seven students indicated that western education was not common. Over the past few decades, the system seems to have changed as the country has integrated its education system with the western education.

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