Is Video Gaming a Sport? Article Analysis Essay Example

Published: 2022-04-01
Is Video Gaming a Sport? Article Analysis Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Video games Sport
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1187 words
10 min read

In her article "Is Video Gaming a Sport?," Suzanne Jackiw argues that video gaming is no doubt a sport like any other and therefore various laws that govern other sports should be used when dealing with video gaming. Video gaming has become rampant over the years with the advent of new technologic advancements. More often than not, it starts as a hobby or a distraction from stressful days or work. Later on, video gaming has taken a new approach and has become a passion for some of the gamers and better still a competition for others. Over the years, Wire Act has considered video gaming to be in the same category as gambling as it applies to most internet transaction. With time, however, video games have become professional to an extent that they are event televised on national and international levels. The number of gamers, fans, sponsors, and trainer have also increased immensely leading to a variety of peripheral activities that are often associated with sporting activities.

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In this article, Suzanne argument on the similarity and distinctions of video gaming and sports is quite convincing. Suzanne point off argument is that there is an overlap between video games and sports. This is especially because both video games and sports are competitive. In both entities, the participants engage in a physical activity from which they derive please from. On this note therefore when it comes to legal issues, as much as the court may focus on the distinction between the two, there need to be adjustments made in dealing with gambling, especially in video games. Suzanne tone is effective in exploring the similarities between video gaming and sports. Suzanne used not only formal but also informal communication on her arguments. In doing so, she achieves her purpose for writing this article as one gets convinced on the commonality between video gaming and sports from her argument. Suzanne's use of federal law, statistics, emotional indulgence and real-life instances brings out a strong argument for video gaming as a sport.

Throughout the article, Suzanne uses relevant federal laws and real-life situations to strengthen the credibility and appeal to ethos. She intends to persuade and inform the audience regarding the connection between video games and sports. For instance, she uses Lawrence DiChristina and Weinstein who was a District Judge in the United States, as examples to explain the credibility of the federal laws. In addition, Suzanne also explores various interpretations of the Wire Act which is parts of the federal laws on gambling associated with sport video games. She chooses a language that is appropriate to be able to convince her audience. Furthermore, she has a good understanding of words that are associated with video gaming and ensures that in all her statements she remains fair and does not pick sides. With these real-life examples and relevant federal laws, Suzanne credulity of the article is boosted as she provided all the relevant facts that she uses to support her claims. Suzanne also gives her own personal opinion on various ways of interpretation of the Wire Act may affect gambling on video games. She explains the different design elements and strategies that may be present when playing video games and how various players are able to take down their opponents.

Suzanne also uses a strong appeal to logos. This strategy comes out as she makes use of various facts, ideas and statistics giving a logical progression of thought. At first, she gives us a brief summary of the various federal laws that govern playing video games. She points out how these laws have been amended over the years and even states the sections that are relevant to gambling. For instance , she quotes relevant portions Wires Act ,"Whoever being engaged in the business of betting or wagering knowingly uses a wire communication facility for the transmission in interstate or foreign commerce of bets or wagers or information assisting in the placing of bets or wagers on any sporting event or contest, or for the transmission of a wire communication which entitles the recipient to receive money or credit as a result of bets or wagers, or for information assisting in the placing of bets or wagers, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both. "These facts introduces and supports Suzanne idea on what gambling entails and its relevance to sporting video games. Using this statement she logically explains why sporting video games just like any other sport should be to be different from other aspects of gambling. She claims like just like any other competitive sport, interstate wagers on video games should be legal as it is individual physical effort and therefore should not be considered to be gambling. Suzanne, therefore, leaves an impression upon the audience that this federal law should be amended to suit sport video games.

Moreover, Suzanne makes appeals to pathos in various sections of the article. Suzanne points out that most people do not really know the ideas and strategies that are involved when playing a video game. She goes further and explains the different types of video games where she gives an idea about first-person shooter games and real-time strategy games. In first-person shooter, the point of view is often the first person and the experience of the game is through character. In real-time strategy, on the other hand, the player creates, places and makes changes in the units and structures so as to defeat their opponents. The players are bake to develop skills as they play as much as they are not athletes in the real sense, they are physically and actively involved in the video game. While using interstate wire system, for instance, internet, the court is likely to view interstate multiplayer as a form of gambling of which is not the case. In this article, Suzanne intends to capture the attention of general reader more so those who can relate to video games and acknowledge its importance. In her writing, she uses not inky formal but also an informal language so as to get to the audience.

In conclusion, in as much as Suzanne's use of federal laws and statistic is useful in creating evidence for her write-up, some of the laws and statistics are outdated. Various amendments have been made in the law and newer statistics have been created. However, the fact that she uses some real-life example to concrete her argument helps her argument to still remain strong. She also uses emotional appeal that helps the reader to get a feel of the how important video games may be important for gamers who indulge in competitions and other extra role players such as sponsors, or trainers who directly benefit from the advancement of gaming technology. Federal laws on video gaming that consider video games as gambling should, therefore, be revoked. Video gamers who physically participate in such competitions should not be seen to be gambling but as any other sport which involves various persons or teams that are out to play and win.

Works Cited

Jackiw, Suzanne. "IS VIDEO GAMING A SPORT?" Scitech Lawyer 10.4 (2014): 12.

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Is Video Gaming a Sport? Article Analysis Essay Example. (2022, Apr 01). Retrieved from

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