One Hour of Activity: Enhance Your Heart Health - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-28
One Hour of Activity: Enhance Your Heart Health - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 618 words
6 min read


It is significant for an individual to enhance their heart health. One of the biggest reductions in risk of heart diseases occurs when a person goes from leading a sedentary lifestyle to adopting a more active one up to as little as one hour per week. The more an individual remains active, the better for their heart health. However, simply one complete hour of activity in a week is found to make a difference.

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Cardiovascular health

Cardiovascular health describes the health of blood vessels and the heart (Lavie et al., 799). Cardiovascular diseases cover a group of illnesses of blood vessels and heart, such as stroke, heart disease, heart arrhythmias, heart failure, and heart valve issues (Lavie, et al., 799). Numerous issues potentially arise when people fail to take care of their hearts. However, the following benefits can be realized:

First, Cardiovascular health includes weight loss, which possess numerous benefits besides simply looking better. Heart health can significantly be improved even by losing a few pounds. It leads to the efficient functioning of the heart, increased metabolism, and lower blood pressure (Tehrani et al., 1017). Keeping a healthy heart has the potential to maintain body functioning at an optimal level.

Second, eating healthy is associated with a healthy heart. It includes the leading measure to prevent heart disease. The disorder can be controlled by taking a balanced diet, including whole grains, vegetables, and healthy proteins. A balanced diet for heart health is regarded as the best choice to increase oxygen-rich blood production.

Third, cardiovascular health includes staying active. Avoiding saturated fats such as cheese, red meat, and oily food and replacing the saturated fats with healthier options potentially lead to drastic enhancements to overall health. It is a good idea to stay healthy without regard to age. An individual is expected to indulge in at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day. Physical activity is an approach to preventing heart disease (Ganesan et al., p. 2454). Besides, it increases energy, reduces stress levels, and enhances digestion and sleep.

Fourth, cardiovascular health in maintaining blood pressure. Blood pressure and stress are found to go hand in hand since blood pressure increases with an increase in stress (Tehrani et al., p. 1017). Therefore, high blood pressure can be reduced by limiting stress as much as possible. In addition, high blood pressure can be reduced by the consumption of a healthy diet with fewer sodium amounts, regular exercise, and limiting caffeine and alcohol intake (Tehrani et al., p. 1017).

Fifth, an emerging study depicts that pursuing and achieving ideal cardiovascular health, as described by the American Heart Association, has the ability to drastically lower any future cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in the United States and across the world.


Numerous threat aspects result in the development of the cardiovascular disease. They include tobacco use, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high blood cholesterol. It is established that a healthy lifestyle begins with a healthy heart. Therefore, it is essential to put effort into taking care of the heart. Heart health improves the function of the heart, lowers blood pressure, and ensures optimal functioning of the body. Heart health prevents heart disease and lowers future cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.

Works Cited

Ganesan, Anand N., et al. "International Mobile-Health Intervention on Physical Activity, Sitting, and Weight: The Stepathlon Cardiovascular Health Study." Journal of the American College of Cardiology 67.21 (2016): 2453-2463.

Lavie, Carl J., et al. "Sedentary Behavior, Exercise, and Cardiovascular Health." Circulation research 124.5 (2019): 799-815.

Tehrani, David M., et al. "Trends in Blood Pressure and High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin-T With Cardiovascular Disease: The Cardiovascular Health Study." American journal of hypertension 32.10 (2019): 1013-1020.

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