"The Joker" Movie. Free Essay Sample

Published: 2023-07-14
"The Joker" Movie. Free Essay Sample
Essay type:  Response essays
Categories:  Analysis Movie Personality disorder Psychological disorder
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 612 words
6 min read

According to Cohen, Joker is a lucid thinker who can interact with people of higher standards in society as compared to anyone. However, in contrast, Joker is experiencing Schizophrenia disorder. This is a type of mental disorder that one is unable to think logically and critically. Here the Joker movie displays how Joker is a very slow thinker and can even make a premature judgment on matters that happens on his way. In Schizophrenia disorder, one believes in the things that are not real and even negative symptoms like getting motivated to take part in doing something productive in society.

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Furthermore, he (Joker) exhibits evidence of delusion mindset and thoughts completely. He is swift in doing his role efficiently in whatever parts that suits him. He displays a lack of self-control in terms of thinking and cannot control his behavior. This is evident from the movie, which indicates the ability of Joker to carry out his roles and also a sign that besides having his mental disorder, he can still perform his tasks effectively.

From this movie, I found that two rare problems can be observed based on mental health issues, and these are; Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorders.

Bipolar disorder is a condition that is explained depressive episodes and also in manic episodes. When in manic, one with such illness could energetic and also being impulsive as it is evident from the joker movie. It also involves speaking quickly and too much engagement in extreme behaviors like spending a high amount of money in a non-productive manner and also uncontrolled sexual behavior.

The said mental disorders affect various groups of people in all the manners ascribed from the movie as this is displayed in various episodes by Joker himself, among other characters like Joe and Cohen. Among the affected groups are individual, family, and society as a whole.

At the individual level, the affected person has higher chances of experiencing specific behaviors that lower one's dignity. One can engage in activities that are so weird and have a negative impact on the judgment. One may do things that seem to be right on their sight as a result of the inability to think and reason with sobriety. One would also be stigmatized, making oneself look inferior.

Mental health disorders may result in financial losses to the family of the affected person. This is because one may tend to cause high expenditure on the family money in meeting personal interests, which cannot benefit the family in one way or another.

Considering the effects on society, mental disorders can result in immoral behaviors, which has a higher chance of affecting the morals of the minor age groups like extreme sexual behavior can depreciate the discipline among the youth and children of selected age brackets.

On the other side of the coin, the side effects of such mental disorders can be used as moral lessons to specific target groups, especially in the community where they base the references to the affected individuals and losses that could be encountered in the series of generations.

This Joker movie based on the disorder displayed by one of the characters who happen to be the main one who is Joker the family and the society can learn that his inability to think logically can put forth other problems because such occurs causing a misunderstanding of the scenarios in various episodes to the immediate persons. As a result, those involved could take cover on the potential risks associated with mental disorders. Most individuals are less violent and can even fail to defend themselves in case of any coup making the affected groups be responsible in them.


"The Joker" movie.

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